There were more than 380,000 motor vehicle collisions in the state of Florida in 2017, and nearly 250,000 individuals sustained injuries in them. At least a few of those accident victims probably represented themselves during the claims process, but they likely left money on the table by doing so.

car accident attorney Tampa

Although you can file a car insurance or personal injury claim without the help of a lawyer, seeking legal counsel can actually pay for itself because you may be able to secure a much larger settlement than you would have been able to get on your own. If you were hurt in a crash with a drunk, distracted, or reckless driver and you do not want to go up against the insurance adjuster alone, turn to Probinsky & Cole.

We have won several multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts for our clients. Call 866-805-8947 to schedule a free case evaluation with a car wreck attorney in Bradenton.

Read on to learn how a seasoned lawyer can assist you at various stages of the claims process:

  1. Gather All Relevant Medical Records

In a perfect world, patients would be able to obtain a copy of their medical records simply by asking. Unfortunately, gathering healthcare documents is rarely that easy, especially if you saw multiple providers or visited multiple practices after the accident. When you hire a car wreck lawyer, though, you do not have to worry about obtaining medical records because an attorney will do so for you.

  1. Interview Witnesses

Witness testimony can be incredibly valuable when it comes to proving fault in car accident claims. If you were able to get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses at the scene, you simply have to give this information to your lawyer, who will handle the rest. If you were unable to get the contact information of various witnesses, on the other hand, an attorney will know how to track it down by reviewing the police report and other official documents.

  1. Calculate Damages

Tracking medical bills may be fairly easy, but when it comes to indirect costs like lost wages or noneconomic damages like pain and suffering, the calculations can quickly become convoluted. A seasoned attorney will track the costs associated with your injuries and ensure you include all potential damages in the settlement negotiations.

  1. Negotiate with the Insurance Adjuster

Insurance adjusters are skilled negotiators who know how to use various bullying tactics in order to intimidate claimants into accepting low settlements. When you hire a lawyer, though, you can simply focus on recovering while the attorney negotiates with the opposing party on your behalf.

If you sustained injuries in a collision with a negligent driver and are not sure whether you should hire legal representation, turn to Probinsky & Cole. After evaluating your case, a Bradenton car wreck lawyer will be happy to explain the various ways our firm can help you.

Call 866-805-8947 to schedule a free consultation. If you want to learn more about accident claims in Florida, visit

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