Personal injury lawsuits occur when a claimant has sustained an injury to the body, mind or emotions. (Personal injury does not pertain to property damage).

Personal injury lawsuits are filed against the person or entity that caused the harm, whether intentionally or through some form of negligence. Categories of personal injury liability gross negligence, reckless conduct and intentional misconduct. Damages for these types of claims generally include reimbursement of medical bills, compensation for pain and suffering, and recompense for a diminished quality of life.

Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Although every case is different, there are broad categories of personal injury claims which we see over and over. You may have a viable case if you have experienced one of these situations:

  1. Slip and Fall: Up north, many slip and fall accidents are related to public areas which have not been properly cleared of ice. Obviously, these types of cases rarely happen in the Tampa area, but there are many other situations in which a slip and fall is considered the result of negligent behavior. For instance, if something spills in a grocery store aisle and is not cleaned up in a timely manner, the store may be liable for any injuries which may result. Any dangerous condition in a retail, office, or corporate environment may constitute negligence in a slip and fall accident. You may also be compensated for damages if you fall and injure yourself on private property, such as slipping down someone’s front steps, or falling over an obstacle on their front path.
  2. Product Liability: If a manufacturer has produced a product which caused you harm, whether through faulty manufacturing or flawed design, a product liability claim may be appropriate. Defective or dangerous products may include motor vehicles, children’s toys, pharmaceutical drugs or devices, or household goods. Product liability related personal injury lawsuits may also be brought if the manufacturer knows ofa defect and fails to warn consumers.
  3. Motorcycle and Car Accidents: Florida has a higher rate of motorcycle-related personal injury claims than many states. This is because our warm, sunny climate encourages more motorcycle riders than in other places – combined with the fact that Florida does not require most riders to wear helmets. Car accidents always rank as one of the top causes of personal injury lawsuits, as they are among the most common type of accident overall.
  4. Nursing Home Neglect/Abuse: Nursing home abuse and neglect are sadly all too common. Some cases reflect intentional harm being inflicted on helpless victims, but often these cases arise because of staffing shortages and not enough resources. Florida has a high elderly population, and therefore a high percentage of residents eventually entering nursing home and assisted living facilities.
  5. Medical Malpractice: Florida is known for our top-notch medical care facilities, but we also have a high rate of medical malpractice claims. These types of personal injury lawsuits include many aspects of negligence, such as surgical errors, prescription errors, anesthesia overdose, birth injuries, and delayed or improper diagnosis. Mistakes can result in life-altering injuries and even wrongful death.

Personal injury lawsuits are among the most common type of claims made. If you feel that you may have a valid claim, don’t be afraid to call the personal injury lawyers of Probinsky & Cole. We will inform you if you have a valid injury claim, drawing on our extensive experience in evaluating claims and fighting for our clients’ rights. No matter the situation you find yourself in, if you have been the victim of another party’s negligence, you deserve compensation. Don’t hesitate, call today.

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