Florida has some of the most dangerous roads in America, and vehicle accidents are among the most common personal injury cases annually. Florida also attracts a lot of motorcyclists because of our beautiful weather. However, if you ride a motorcycle in the state, it is important to understand some statistics and associated motorcycle helmet laws.

motorcycle helmet laws

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has published statistics from 2019, the most recent year with complete data. In that year, there were a total of 8,895 motorcycle accidents resulting in 550 people deaths. In that same year, there was a total of 5,014 fatal motorcycle crashes in the United States. This means that Florida motorcycle accidents comprise 11% of the annual fatal motorcycle accidents.

Of the 550 total deaths, 257 of the individuals (46.7%) were not wearing a motorcycle helmet.

Florida Motorcycle Helmet Laws

  • Motorcycle riders and passengers who are under the age of 21 must wear a helmet at all times without exemption.
  • Motorcycle riders and passengers who are over the age of 21 may be exempt from the motorcycle helmet requirement under one condition. They must obtain insurance coverage with a minimum of $10,000 in no-fault personal medical benefits for a motorcycle accident.
  • All motorcycle riders and passengers are required to wear eye protection when on public roads, even if they are exempt from wearing a helmet.

Reasons to Wear a Helmet

Most motorcyclists wear a motorcycle helmet these days, but there is a group of people who prefer not to – typically for the sense of freedom it provides. For those riding without a helmet, a fine should be the least of their worries. Here are some of the most compelling reasons to don that helmet. Full face helmets afford the most comprehensive protection, but any helmet is better than no helmet.

  • The possibility of severe head injury is the primary reason for wearing a motorcycle helmet. Road rash and broken limbs can be recovered from – but head injuries can change someone’s life forever.
  • Whether or not you were wearing a helmet may affect your ability to collect damages in the event of a personal injury lawsuit.
  • A full-face helmet can protect your face from any flying debris, insects or even birds. Anything that hits you in the eye or face at high speed can cause you to lose control of your motorcycle as well as cause significant injury.
  • Many motorcyclists enjoy the warmth of the sun on their faces on a cold day. Here in Florida, we have very few cold days – and in fact, the sun can be very intense. A helmet with proper ventilation can help to keep the strongest rays of the sun off your skin on a long drive. A motorcycle helmet can also provide a tinted visor which is akin to sunglasses, but with more protection and comfort.

Most motorcyclists in Florida can ride without a helmet, and it is a personal choice. However, the multiple layers of protection that this one item can provide make a strong argument for wearing your helmet at all times. From head injuries to sunburn, your helmet could be your best friend.

If you have been in a motorcycle accident and believe you deserve to collect damages, call the personal injury attorneys at Probinsky & Cole. We can help you to determine the details of your accident and if a personal injury case is in your best interest.

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