When your child is injured, the world seems to stop. It is impossible to prevent accidents before they occur, but knowing these risks empowers you to take proactive steps and prepare to act decisively should an injury occur. If someone else’s negligence led to your child suffering an injury, you can seek compensation on their behalf to help set their life back on track.

juvenile injury personal injury law

  1. Car Accidents: Car accidents stand as a leading cause of injury among children – due to their size and developmental stage, they are particularly vulnerable in vehicle collisions. They may suffer from a spectrum of injuries, ranging from minor bruises and lacerations to more severe consequences, such as brain injuries or spinal cord damage. The physical trauma is often just the beginning, as the emotional and psychological aftermath can also take a significant toll on a child’s development and future.Even if you don’t see any apparent injuries, seek medical attention immediately, as some symptoms may take time to manifest or hide inside the body. Documenting the accident thoroughly, including taking photos of the scene and your child’s injuries, can be invaluable in any subsequent legal action. However, make sure to always prioritize your child’s health.
  2. School-Related Injuries: Schools should be safe havens where children learn and grow, but unfortunately, injuries can and do occur within their walls or during school-related activities. Typical scenarios include playground accidents, sports injuries, slips and falls, and even classroom mishaps.Schools have a significant duty of care to their students, and any breach of this duty that results in injury to a child can lead to legal ramifications. Report the injury immediately, document evidence, and prepare for possible legal action if the school is not taking responsibility.
  3. Dog Bites: Unfortunately, children’s natural curiosity and sometimes fearless approach to animals can lead to dog bites. These incidents can result from both known and unfamiliar canines on public and private property. Beyond injuries like cuts and punctures, severe attacks can lead to facial injuries that necessitate reconstructive surgery. Often, these injuries are carried with children for the rest of their lives.Typically, Florida dog owners are strictly liable for injuries their dogs cause, even if the animal’s previous behavior was not aggressive. This means that if your child is bitten, the dog owner may be responsible for compensating for medical bills, pain, suffering, and any long-term care or therapy your child needs.
  4. Product Defects: Every year, defective toys, furniture, and other children’s products lead to numerous injuries. From choking hazards to toxic materials and structural failures, children face an array of dangers. Product liability laws in Florida are designed to protect consumers, including our most vulnerable population: children.If a product intended for children fails and causes injury, several parties, including manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, may be held liable. While you shouldn’t always fear the worst when you buy a new toy, remember that accidents can and do happen every day in the United States.
  5. Swimming Pool Accidents: Given Florida’s climate, swimming pools are common sights – despite the danger they pose to young kids. In the United States, nearly 400 children lose their lives due to drowning alone, not to mention other injuries that are possible at pools. Pool owners, whether private or public, are responsible for maintaining adequate safety features on their property. The key is proving negligence on the part of the pool owner or operator, which an attorney can help establish.

Facing a child’s injury is a daunting challenge, but you don’t have to face it alone. If your child was injured due to these common reasons – contact Probinsky & Cole.

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