Car accidents have an associated cost, but that amount isn’t always crystal clear. When someone is injured in a Florida car accident, they can seek help through their insurance and sue the other party to receive full compensation. However, insurance companies are very good at minimizing payouts, often to the detriment of those who deserve full reimbursement for their injuries. Securing maximum compensation may only be possible if you avoid mistakes that insurance providers can use against you. Today, we will look at the specific personal injury mistakes you should avoid.

personal injury mistakes to avoid

Common Mistakes When Dealing With Insurance Companies

Engaging with Insurance Companies: Since insurance adjusters are trained to protect their company’s financial interests, they often employ tactics to elicit statements that can undermine your claim. For instance, if you casually mention that you feel “okay” when asked about your condition, this can be used against you to downplay the severity of your injuries.

Attempting to handle negotiations on your own places you at a distinct disadvantage. Without a thorough understanding of personal injury law and the value of your claim, you may accept an initial settlement offer that is significantly lower than what you deserve. Adjustors might present this offer quickly, hoping you agree before consulting with an attorney who could advocate for a higher amount.

Failing to Keep Detailed Records: Accurate documentation is vitally important for supporting your claim when challenged by opposing parties. Records of medical visits, treatments, expenses, and any correspondence with insurance companies go a long way in proving your side of the story and fighting back against accusations from the other side.

Detailed records should also cover lost wages and other economic impacts resulting from the accident. If your injuries have affected your ability to work, make sure to document any time off and lost income. Without comprehensive records, it becomes challenging to substantiate your claims, and insurance companies may dispute the extent of your damages. Meticulous documentation helps build a strong case – one that doesn’t just win in court but fully compensates you for your injuries.

Misrepresenting Information: Some individuals mistakenly believe exaggerating their injuries or misrepresenting the facts will lead to a higher settlement. However, dishonesty can severely damage your credibility and undermine your claim. Insurance companies are adept at investigating claims and will likely uncover inconsistencies or falsehoods. Part of why keeping detailed records is so important is due to the tactics insurance companies may use to try and paint you as dishonest.

Providing false information about the accident, your injuries, or your medical history can result in your claim being denied altogether. Surprisingly, even seemingly minor exaggerations with little impact on the case can be detrimental if discovered. Always provide truthful and complete information to protect your claim and secure the best possible outcome, but make sure to speak to an attorney before giving up the information.

How an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Can Help Avoid These Mistakes

We are detailing some common pitfalls you may face because we understand that the average person doesn’t know all the intricacies of Florida injury law. But while staying informed and knowledgeable about this important process is ideal, you can discard most of your worries by working with an experienced personal injury law team.

When you work with a personal injury lawyer, all communications and interactions with insurance companies go through your attorney, not you. This way, any information you provide to your attorneys in confidence will not accidentally be disclosed to the opposing party. Being completely honest and transparent with your attorneys allows them to provide the necessary information to insurance companies without oversharing info that they can use against you.

If you have been injured in Florida and are considering a personal injury lawsuit, contact Probinksy & Cole today to get the help you need to deal with insurance companies and secure compensation.

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