Roundabouts are becoming increasingly popular in urban areas, and Sarasota has recently installed many traffic-assisting devices around town. As the name suggests, a roundabout is a circular intersection for traffic – but unlike traditional intersections, there are no lights or stop signs. Roundabouts facilitate traffic and ease congestion by allowing vehicles to proceed freely and smoothly through an area. Even though they are becoming more prevalent, many drivers are still unfamiliar enough with the concept to cause many car accidents.

car accidents Sarasota

What Causes Roundabout Car Accidents?

Roundabouts are considered safer overall than traditional intersections. However, vehicle accidents still occur, typically due to a reckless or inexperienced drivers. These types of accidents are primarily due to one of several reasons:

    • Speeding: Most roundabout accidents result from drivers recklessly or negligently exceeding the speed limit. Multiple cars travel through several lanes in roundabouts, and vehicles enter or exit the circle in several locations. Speeding cars may not be able to respond to the changes in lanes and vehicles quickly enough, causing accidents.
    • Confusion: Those who have never been in a roundabout may simply get disoriented or confused. If drivers do not recognize the traffic pattern, they may slow down or cross too many lanes of traffic. If they were not expecting to be in a roundabout, they may try to back up and exit instead of driving around the circle.
    • Stopped cars: Many roundabouts accidents occur because drivers suddenly stop their vehicles right in the middle of the roadway to avoid missing a turn. Interrupting traffic flow can be very dangerous in a roundabout and cause rear-end collisions. Remember, you can always travel around the circle again if you miss your exit point.
    •  Failing to yield: Motorists are required to yield to cars already inside the circle, and it is dangerous not to do so as you could cut off cars and cause an accident.
    •  Switching lanes: Unless exiting the circle, you shouldn’t have to change lanes in a multi-lane roundabout. However, if you get confused and will miss your exit for being in the wrong lane, drive around the circle again.

    Roundabout Car Accident Statistics

    People are always cautious of situations they are not familiar with. It is natural for drivers unfamiliar with the traffic pattern to be nervous or feel unsafe at first. The fact is that statistics show us that roundabouts don’t elevate the risk of car accidents – the municipalities put them in place to reduce the number of accidents because of their safety benefits.

    The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has conducted several research studies regarding the benefits of roundabouts. According to one study, car crashes involving injury were reduced by 72-80% when intersections were converted to roundabouts. Those exact intersection locations also experienced a 35-47% reduction in overall crashes.

    In fact, researchers estimate that over 50,000 vehicular crashes can be avoided each year by converting just 10% of the nation’s signal-controlled intersections to roundabouts or traffic circles. This number includes potentially 231 fatal crashes and 34,000 injury crashes.

    So the next time you see a new roundabout and worry about its safety or efficiency – just know that it is doing its part to reduce accidents and make your drive safer overall.

    Call an Accident Attorney

    Still, accidents do occur – and when they do, you may deserve to be reimbursed for your injuries, expenses, and property damage. If you were in a Sarasota, Orlando, or Tampa-area car accident and need representation, call the offices of Probinsky & Cole. We are here to help you prove your case and receive your just compensation.

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