Claimant Mistakes That Can Cost Them Money
There are many ways that a claimant can accidentally sabotage their own case and can affect the outcome of their settlement.
There are many ways that a claimant can accidentally sabotage their own case and can affect the outcome of their settlement.
Attorney-client privilege is in place to legally protect you regarding any information you share with your personal injury attorney.
In general, a verdict can only be appealed (or will only be accepted on appeal) if there was an issue with the process of your case.
Reporting minor injuries in the workplace when they occur is the best way to ensure a successful workman's compensation claim down the road.
If you have suffered a work-related injury that has significantly impacted your quality of life, call a personal injury attorney to represent you.
Los clientes potenciales deben comprender que sus conversaciones en un despacho de abogados están cubiertas por el privilegio abogado-cliente.
A driver can be liable for accidents caused by poor car maintenance such as tire failure if they neglect to take their car in for needed repairs.
Your attorney should understand which aspects of your settlement might be classified as taxable income, and this information can be forwarded to a tax attorney or accountant.
La conducción distraída es una de las principales causas de accidentes y muertes en las carreteras de Florida, y las víctimas merecen una compensación. .
As the heat index begins to rise, Florida homeowners need to be cognizant of the dangers and risks associated with swimming pool accidents.