Receiving Your Settlement Check
If you've been in a car accident, you might wonder how to negotiate the best payout, and how long you will have to wait to receive your settlement check.
If you've been in a car accident, you might wonder how to negotiate the best payout, and how long you will have to wait to receive your settlement check.
At-will employment implies that both the employee and employer are working of their own volition. There are no implied long-term contractual obligations owed to either party.
Speaking to a lawyer can determine the merits of your case and if you should consider legal action. But how can you pick the best personal injury attorney?
When the injuries are severe, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit is logical. But is a lawsuit appropriate even if injuries are not deemed to be serious?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the sharp uptick in traffic fatalities in 2921 was the most significant since 1975, when they began tracking this data.
A medical malpractice lawsuit can help you recuperate the overwhelming expense of medical bills, lost wages, or other damages caused by a doctor's negligence.
As we move towards the sweltering heat of summer, now is an excellent time to review boating safety in order to avoid boating accidents this season.
Getting in an accident with an uninsured driver can be confusing and frustrating, especially because Florida law requires all motorists to carry property damage liability insurance (PDL) and personal injury protection (PIP).
While there has been a lot of education and awareness regarding motorcycles on the road, there are still more motorcycle accidents in Florida than in any state - and 516 fatalities in 2021 alone.
Standards of care and legal duties for first responders and emergency room personnel protect them from certain situations. However, that does not absolve ER personnel from the accepted standards of care. Here is the information on emergency room malpractice that you need to know.