Car Accident with an Emergency Vehicle
An emergency vehicle will often travel over the speed limit and may even run through red lights. This is legal - however there is risk of serious injury.
An emergency vehicle will often travel over the speed limit and may even run through red lights. This is legal - however there is risk of serious injury.
Because of how quickly an accident can happen, even the parties involved may not be exactly sure what took place. Video footage is one way to get to the bottom of what is going on.
Viajar por todo el país es popular y no es raro que los floridanos conduzcan a otro estado.
For stores and restaurants over the holiday season, a quick refresher course in commercial liability laws fmay be necessary.
Cada estado establece sus propias leyes de negligencia médica, por lo tanto, la ley de negligencia de Florida es única en nuestro estado.
There are occasions when a lawfully purchased product causes injury. If you were injured, there are three main types of product liability claims.
Car accidents happen frequently, primarily because of the sheer number of people who drive. If you are out of state and get in a car crash, it is important to understand what to do to protect your rights.
In order to understand your legal options, you should understand a few medical malpractice terms and definitions. Learn more here.
Experimentar un accidente automovilístico es una de las cosas más aterradoras que le pueden pasar en la carretera. Es traumatizante cuando tienes que ser hospitalizado por tus lesiones o tu auto está destrozado. Saber que el accidente fue causado por un conductor en estado de ebriedad puede agregar otro nivel de ira y confusión al [...]
The process of reporting medical malpractice and removing doctors who act irresponsibly is an important function of state medical boards, even during COVID.