
About Brent Probinsky

I grew up in Miami, Florida and enjoyed its rich multi-cultural community. As a student, I traveled to Latin America and learned Spanish in Mexico and Portuguese in Brazil. I have always enjoyed working with young people and have been a Big Brother, a mentor for high school kids. I give scholarships to students in developing countries. I enjoy reading, swimming, sailing and spending time with family.

Car Accidents in Another State

Car accidents happen frequently, primarily because of the sheer number of people who drive. If you are out of state and get in a car crash, it is important to understand what to do to protect your rights.

¿Víctima De Un Conductor En Estado Ebriedad? Siga Estos Consejos

Experimentar un accidente automovilístico es una de las cosas más aterradoras que le pueden pasar en la carretera. Es traumatizante cuando tienes que ser hospitalizado por tus lesiones o tu auto está destrozado. Saber que el accidente fue causado por un conductor en estado de ebriedad puede agregar otro nivel de ira y confusión al [...]