
About Brent Probinsky

I grew up in Miami, Florida and enjoyed its rich multi-cultural community. As a student, I traveled to Latin America and learned Spanish in Mexico and Portuguese in Brazil. I have always enjoyed working with young people and have been a Big Brother, a mentor for high school kids. I give scholarships to students in developing countries. I enjoy reading, swimming, sailing and spending time with family.

¿Posible Caso de Lesiones Personales? Llame a Su Abogado.

La Importancia de Actuar Rápidamente en Demandas por Lesiones Personales Las demandas por lesiones personales no siempre son rápidas, y la preparación idealmente debería comenzar poco después de un accidente. La mayoría de las personas saben que un accidente de auto o un incidente similar que las lesione puede justificar una demanda, ¿pero qué sucede [...]

Warnings About Driving on Wet Roads

Driving on wet roads or flooded areas poses multiple dangers. Understanding and mitigating these risks through cautious driving practices and proper vehicle maintenance is vital for ensuring safety.

Rejecting Settlement Offers

Settlement offers can help to avoid long, drawn out proceedings. However, if the other side isn't willing to provide a fair settlement amount, the case might warrant a court date.

Florida Personal Injury Laws to Know

Florida personal injury law isn't necessarily unusual, but in some cases, it follows standards that differ from those in other states. If you have been injured in Florida, here's what you need to know.