
About Brent Probinsky

I grew up in Miami, Florida and enjoyed its rich multi-cultural community. As a student, I traveled to Latin America and learned Spanish in Mexico and Portuguese in Brazil. I have always enjoyed working with young people and have been a Big Brother, a mentor for high school kids. I give scholarships to students in developing countries. I enjoy reading, swimming, sailing and spending time with family.

Self-Driving Cars and Liability

Self-driving cars promise to rapidly change the landscape of liability. Accidents which occur when a car is relying on technology for navigation is likely to not only increase the number of product liability cases, but to give rise to a multitude of new legal precedent which doesn't even exist today.

5 Ways That Probinsky & Cole Fought For Justice in 2019

At Probinsky & Cole, we're committed to giving back to the communities we serve, and to fighting for justice every single day. It's the principles that our firm was founded on, and the basis by which we work each week. Here's just a small sampling of what we've been up to in 2019.