Reclamaciones de compensación laboral más comunes
Al lesionarse en el lugar de trabajo, los empleados deben tener la capacidad de reclamar una indemnización laboral que refleje sus lesiones y salarios perdidos.
Al lesionarse en el lugar de trabajo, los empleados deben tener la capacidad de reclamar una indemnización laboral que refleje sus lesiones y salarios perdidos.
If you are a Sarasota property owner, you have a legal obligation to keep the property safe for everyone on site. Read more about premises security.
Quizás te preguntes con qué frecuencia te encuentras dentro de propiedad del gobierno, pero la respuesta es... ¡casi todos los días!
If you live in an apartment complex and are the victim of a crime, can you file a negligent security lawsuit against the management company?
The road to American citizenship has milestones and markers - and is best navigated with an immigration attorney who is able to guide the way.
If injured at work, employees should be eligible to file workman's compensation claims to reflect their injuries and lost wages.
In an automobile accident or just a case of normal negligence, that is a four-year statute of limitations and what that means is you don’t have to have the lawsuit finished or collect your settlement or go to trial by the four years. You just have to file the lawsuit by that four-year deadline.
Governments are responsible for making sure that all areas under their control are safe for the public as well as their employees.
Antes de decidirte a alcanzar ese teléfono celular mientras avanzas por la Interestatal 75, quizás sea mejor que conozcas las nuevas leyes de la Florida.
If you are involved in a lawsuit, you may be asked to give a deposition. A deposition is defined as the sworn, out-of-court oral testimony of a witness.