
About Brent Probinsky

I grew up in Miami, Florida and enjoyed its rich multi-cultural community. As a student, I traveled to Latin America and learned Spanish in Mexico and Portuguese in Brazil. I have always enjoyed working with young people and have been a Big Brother, a mentor for high school kids. I give scholarships to students in developing countries. I enjoy reading, swimming, sailing and spending time with family.

In What Cities & States Do You Practice Law?

We practice all over Florida and we’re happy to meet with you at our offices or at your house or hospital to discuss your case. We’ve recently settled cases or tried cases in Minnesota, in Alabama, in California and Arkansas and we have pending cases also in the Carolinas, North Carolina and South Carolina.

Sobre Probinsky Cole

Probinsky & Cole ha sido reconocido por su excelente servicio a los residentes de Florida. Aquí hay más información sobre nuestra firma y las áreas de la ley que practicamos.    

About Probinsky & Cole

Probinsky & Cole has been recognized for outstanding service to Florida residents. Here's more information about our firm, and the areas of law that we practice.