
About Brent Probinsky

I grew up in Miami, Florida and enjoyed its rich multi-cultural community. As a student, I traveled to Latin America and learned Spanish in Mexico and Portuguese in Brazil. I have always enjoyed working with young people and have been a Big Brother, a mentor for high school kids. I give scholarships to students in developing countries. I enjoy reading, swimming, sailing and spending time with family.

¿Puedo presentar un reclamo como inmigrante?

Muchos de nuestros clientes en el buffet Probinsky y Cole son indocumentados, son hispanos o gente de otros países y no son documentados, han llegado a este país para trabajar, para avanzar en su vida y no tienen documentos.

Examples of Negligent Security

Negligent security claims fall under the umbrella of premises law, which asserts that control or ownership of property – known as the “premises”- creates a duty of care to persons on those premises.