Staying Safe Over Thanksgiving
In Florida, our roads get particularly crowded as Thanksgiving coincides with the start of tourist and snowbird season.
In Florida, our roads get particularly crowded as Thanksgiving coincides with the start of tourist and snowbird season.
While most motorists are completely comfortable with basic laws regarding cars and trucks on the road, they may not be as comfortable traveling side by side with individuals on motorcycle. What are the Florida motocycle laws that apply to bike riders?
While you may not think a witness statement will be critical to your case, there are many reasons that you - or the police, once they arrive - should solicit information from witnesses.
In general, it is better to settle your case out of court if the insurance company offers a fair and reasonable settlement amount. If the insurance company will not do so, taking the case to trial may be necessary.
If someone is injured at their workplace, they want to be compensated for their expenses, pain, and suffering, whether from an employer or a third party.
Florida law states that drivers must stop at any pedestrian crosswalk when someone is crossing the street. However, many people are unaware of this law.
If you ride a motorcycle in the state of Florida, it is important to understand some statistics and associated motorcycle helmet laws.
We share the roads with millions of seasonal visitors, but semi-trucks are on these roads as well. Highway safety should be a priority for all drivers.
The exact nature of the documents and evidence you will need will be determined by the specifics of your personal injury case.
Because of some of the unfair stigmas, you may hesitate to call an attorney when your rights have been violated, or you've been injured. The question is, when is it appropriate to call a personal injury attorney - and is there a specific time frame to do so?