Driving Safely in the Rain
If you are new to Florida rainstorms or traveling through Florida this summer, here are some tips for driving safely during a summer downpour.
If you are new to Florida rainstorms or traveling through Florida this summer, here are some tips for driving safely during a summer downpour.
As personal injury settlements often involve large dollar amounts received in a lump sum, it is important to understand the tax implications of your compensation.
If you don't have any experience with hiring an attorney, you may need a bit of guidance in spotting red flags which could make your experience more difficult than it needs to be. After all, your attorney should make your situation easier to bear - not more stressful.
If you are a dog owner in South Florida - or if you have been bitten or injured by someone else's pet dog - you should be interested in the dog bite laws which may apply.
At this point, everyone understands that distracted driving is hazardous. Texting and driving have been identified as the most dangerous behaviors a driver can engage in behind the wheel. Florida, in particular, has hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the country - and each state has slightly different texting and driving laws. To help [...]
If you recently had a car accident, it is possible that you suffered a whiplash injury. How do you know if your pain is a result of your accident?
Pecuniary losses and non-pecuniary losses are applicable to personal injury and wrongful death cases. Here's how they may possibly relate to your situation.
Those injured in construction work zone accidents or victims of other negligent driving situations should seek legal representation to recover damages and compensation.
La demanda por lesiones personales más común en el estado de Florida involucra accidentes automovilísticos. Pocos automovilistas nunca han tenido un accidente de algún tipo, y muchas de esas personas han sufrido lesiones como resultado del choque.
Una lesión por movimientos repetitivos ocurre cuando los músculos, ligamentos, tendones o nervios están dañados porque una persona realiza el mismo movimiento una y otra vez.