Top 4 Driving Distractions
We all undserstand that texting while driving is a huge problem - but there are other driving distractions wreaking havoc on our Sarasota roads.
We all undserstand that texting while driving is a huge problem - but there are other driving distractions wreaking havoc on our Sarasota roads.
Nursing home residents are protected by law, as facilities are required to “promote and protect the rights of each resident”.
The law states that seat belts must be worn by both drivers and passengers. Can you collect in a personal injury lawsuit if you neglected to buckle up?
Spinal cord injuries are among the most common , the most expensive and the most devastating traumatic injuries which are exhibited in personal injury cases.
In 2007, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration conducted a study to determine the main factors behind serious large truck crashes. Looking at over 120,000 large truck crashes over several years, they examined all incidents involving at least one truck which resulted in injury or fatality. It was determined that approximately 6% of these accidents [...]
A wrongful death lawsuit is filed when someone is killed because of the negligent or willful acts of another person. Essentially, the claim is filed when the decedent would have been eligible to file a personal injury claim, but was killed because of the defendant's actions. Wrongful death can occur in cases which involve altercations, [...]
Personal injury claims are among the most common filed in the Florida legal system. They cover a broad spectrum of accidents and injuries, ranging from car accidents to slip and fall events. Essentially, you have the right to file a personal injury claim if you have been harmed or injured due to the negligence of [...]
A very common question we get is, “What is my case worth?” and that makes sense because that’s obviously why you’re here. Let's discuss what goes into that answer.
No matter how aware you are of your surroundings, and no matter how many precautions you take - unfortunately, you may find yourself a crime victim.
One common question we get from potential clients is, “Do I have to file a lawsuit?” The answer to that is no. Who makes that decision? The answer to that is you.