Evidence Needed for Personal Injury Court
If you take a case to a personal injury court, the type of evidence you produce could result in a significant payout - or less than you deserve.
If you take a case to a personal injury court, the type of evidence you produce could result in a significant payout - or less than you deserve.
After successfully winning your case, lump sum payments allow you to receive a large amount of money in a one-time payout as opposed to installments.
If you have been injured in a car accident, you might be eligible to receive compensation for your vehicle damage, as well as pain and suffering. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is the best way to guarantee the maximum settlement.
A class action lawsuit may be appropriate when a party, usually a large business, acts in a way that negatively affects a large group of people.
Personal injury law encompasses more than just car accidents - here are some of the other types of incidents that may be eligible for compensation.
If someone with fall injuries can prove that the business or property owner was negligent in the maintenance of their property, they may be rewarded compensatory damages.
Because the cost of payouts is so high, insurance companies look for opportunities to limit the amount of even a legitimate personal injury settlement.
As the jury decides total damages and compensation, the expertise of expert witnesses can have a significant influence on the outcome of the case.
While every company is different, and your insurance agent may be a wonderful person - in general, insurance companies have a reputation for trying to limit their payouts.
Insurance companies have a list of excuses they use to justify not paying you, but one strategy is unknown to most consumers: post-claim underwriting.