Personal Injury

Are Bike Lanes Safe for Bikers?

Here in South Florida, we love being outside and enjoying the sunshine. Like many other regions around the United States with warm climates, a lot of people choose to leave their car at home and ride their bikes around town. While bike lanes are becoming more prevalent in many places, traffic is also increasing, which [...]

Filing a Claim for Emotional Distress

Emotional distress, also called "mental anguish," is a primarily psychological injury that may be asserted in civil lawsuits. Legally, emotional distress is a state of mental suffering resulting from an incident caused by someone else's negligence or intentional acts. Recovering damages for emotional distress can be challenging.

How To Sabotage Your Legal Case

Most people are unaware that seemingly harmless comments or actions can end up adversely affecting the outcome of their case, perhaps even costing them a large sum of money.

Have a Safe Fourth of July!

While we love the annual traditions of watching parades, attending parties, hosting barbecues, and enjoying fireworks, the Fourth of July is also statistically one of the most dangerous holidays.