Personal Injury

How COVID Has Affected Personal Injury Law

Several significant new personal injury trends appeared in 2021 due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. Many of these trends are likely to remain, as work processes and daily routines have shifted in ways that proved to be more time-efficient for individuals and law firms alike.

Know the Florida Motorcycle Laws

While most motorists are completely comfortable with basic laws regarding cars and trucks on the road, they may not be as comfortable traveling side by side with individuals on motorcycle. What are the Florida motocycle laws that apply to bike riders?

What is a Treatment Gap?

If you’ve been in a car accident - or experienced some other kind of personal injury incident - it is essential for to you avoid having a treatment gap.

Can You Sue Your Employer?

If someone is injured at their workplace, they want to be compensated for their expenses, pain, and suffering, whether from an employer or a third party.