Florida Gun Law Updates and Firearm Injuries
Whether or not someone legally possesses a firearm does not significantly change the range of options for victims seeking compensation for their injury.
Whether or not someone legally possesses a firearm does not significantly change the range of options for victims seeking compensation for their injury.
Recovering from injuries due to gunshots can be extremely difficult and emotional, meaning that awards for pain and suffering can be significant.
Many Floridians are surprised to learn that personal injury attorneys can help them even if their unique injury situation doesn't fall neatly into a common category.
Experienced attorneys can negotiate with insurance companies to prevent you from accepting a settlement that falls short of covering your needs and hidden costs.
Some car accident injuries— often called delayed-onset or latent injuries —can take hours, days, or even weeks to make themselves known.
In the first entry in this two-part series, we look at two recent personal injury lawsuits that led to substantial settlements.
Your legal consultation is designed to be straightforward and supportive, while gathering all necessary information about your immigration status and concerns.
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