Rollover Car Accidents

You Deserve a Voice In The Courtroom

Rollover Car Accidents2020-12-15T02:24:36+00:00

Car accidents occur on a daily basis, and can result in serious injury and can even be fatal. According to the United States Census Bureau, there were over 10 million accidents in 2009 alone. The injuries that people can sustain in car accidents can range from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious injuries that can require ongoing and long term medical care. Fortunately for car accident victims, Florida law allows people injured by the negligence to recover through a personal injury lawsuit. Damages that are recoverable through a personal injury lawsuit include compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, property damage, and lost wages, among others.

Rollover accidents occur when a vehicle flips onto its side or roof, and can occur due to an impact with another object or if the vehicle tips over during a turn or other maneuver. Rollover accidents are commonly associated with SUVs and other vehicles with a high center of gravity, but can occur to all vehicles. These accidents can be particularly dangerous to drivers, passengers, occupants of other vehicles, and onlookers. Common injuries that may result from a rollover accident include: Rollover accident can be caused by many factors, including external forces, driver error, mechanical failure, or even faulty tires.

Why You Need An Experienced Accident Attorney

It’s extremely important to figure out what caused a rollover accident in order to be able to determine who is legally responsible for the injuries that result from the accident. For example, if a rollover accident was due to a driver taking evasive action to avoid a driver making an improper turn, the driver making the turn could possibly held liable for any injuries that resulted. Similarly, if a rollover accident was the result of a blown out tire that was poorly manufactured, the manufacturer of the tire may potentially have legal liability for any injuries that resulted from the accident.

While most personal injury law firms are well equipped to handle car accidents, rollover accidents are not all the same. We’ve been representing accident injury victims for decades, and have the skill set you need to handle your rollover accident case.


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Rollover Car Accident

Seeking Justice For You

Injuries can occur to occupants of the vehicle that rolled over, bystanders, or even occupants of other vehicles. It’s important for anyone injured in a rollover accident to seek immediate medical attention to ensure that their injuries are properly treated. These types of serious injuries can result in disability, disfigurement, loss of quality of life, and may even be fatal.

As a result, it is extremely important to hold the parties responsible for the accident legally liable. An accident injury attorney can help you determine whether you have a claim, and if so, who the proper parties are to name as defendants. who may be liable for your injuries.

In addition, Florida negligence law allows people who are partially at fault for an accident to still recover for their injuries. Under Florida’s comparative negligence statute, a plaintiff who is found to be partially at fault for an accident will have his or her recovery reduced in proportion to his or her fault.

Next Steps

Our experienced attorneys provide compassionate support for car accident victims in Florida as we pursues full and fair compensation for all costs associated with your injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact our firm today for a free consultation with our attorneys.

An attorney can examine all aspects of your case, advise you of possible legal options, and help you to decide the next steps to take.

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